The project proposal “Investigation of Social Modulations of Gaze by Dual Eye Tracking (Badanie społecznych modulacji spojrzenia za pomocą podwójnego śledzenia wzroku) has been funded by the NCN National Science Centre of Poland. Our lab will be working on the role of social presence effects on gaze for the next few years.
Author Archives: admin
New article on Group Eye Tracking
We published an article in Entertainment Computing journal: “User performance and engagement in multi-user gaming Environments: An experimental investigation through the group eye tracking (GET) paradigm”, coauthored with Murat Perit Çakır and Mehmetcan Fal. Link.
New article on eye movements in reading
We published an article in Behavior Research Methods journal: “The PSR corpus: A Persian sentence reading corpus of eye movements”, coauthored with Zohre Soleimani Tekbudak Mehdi Purmohammad, Ayşegül Özkan. Link.